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Foods in Burma

By Cahaya Asia -

Burma is located in Southeast Asian region and is bounded by the China in the northeastern part, Laos in the easternmost part, and on the southeastern part is Siam or Thailand and Indian on the northwestern side.
The main religion in Burma is Buddhism and this is a function and influences of Thailand and nearby countries which are predominantly Buddhists. Burma can also be called Myanmar.
Burma's political struggle is much talked about in the world of politics. Burma has been a monarchy before it was colonized by the British monarchy up to 1948, they have gained their independence. They have been colonized by the British by more than 100 years from.

Mohinga -- national dish of Burma-- usually eaten at breakfast

it is a vermicelli (rice) in fish soup with ingredients
it is a vermicelli (rice) in fish soup with ingredients

Burmese Cuisine

Cultural influences in Burmese foods. Burmese culture and tradition to some extent is influenced by the many years of monarchical rule and the topography of the region which has coastlines and mountains plus plains. Burma is the 40th largest country and the largest in Southeast Asian region.
Burmese cuisine is influenced by the following :
  • Mon, Hin, Shan, Rakhine dynasty influenced the kind of their food
  • Indian, Bamar also influenced in food are very strong, including Thai and nearby countries
  • Burmese food has some similarities to the foods of Chinese, Thais and the Indians, this is because they are near and surrounded by a portion of these countries.

A Burmese dinner or lunch

it consists of rice, vegetables, raw and fresh or boiled, soups and curried paste
it consists of rice, vegetables, raw and fresh or boiled, soups and curried paste

Burmese foods

Burma is a country which eats tea as main food and as a drink. 
Like the nearby regions like Thais and Filipinos and Vietnam Burmese peruse shrimp paste -- a paste mixed with foods and meals to have a distinct fishy taste. They also used fish sauce to add flavor to their foods.
Rice is the staple food and mixed with other main meals. They also eat noodles. Their main meal is made from meat, poultry, seafoods and vegetables mixed with ingredients and spices like chili.
Laphet -- pickled tea which is part of other main food like the famous lahpet thoke
Thoke is a famous Burmese food
Burmese foods consists of variety of salads, one famous example is thoke -- combination of noodles with lots of ingredients at times including shrimp paste.
What is a thoke? it is a noodle meal consisting of one major food like noodles, rice, potato and is mixed with lots and various seasonings, garnishing and flavorings ranging from chili, lime, fish sauce shrimp.
Variations of thoke are :
  • Thayet chin thoke
  • Tofu thoke
  • Lahpet thoke
  • Samuza thoke
  • Khauk swè thoke
  • Nan gyi thoke
Sample of a typical Burmese meal
  • is rice and another food usually fish, (curried or salted), plus a soup and boiled or raw veggies
Beverages and drinks
Some of the beverages and drinks are made from coconut. 

Thoke -- noodle salad and is famous in Burma


another version of thoke -- lahpet (tea) thoke

a salad combi of  pickled tea (leaves)and lots of ingredients and dressing, lime included plus sauce of fish
a salad combi of pickled tea (leaves)and lots of ingredients and dressing, lime included plus sauce of fish
Lahpet is pickled tea
Lahpet is pickled tea

Ingredients in Burmese food

  • lemongrass, lentil, chili green and they are also dried, chickpea,fermented shrimp, tamarind, tomatoes, sesame oil and seeds, fermented fish and shrimp, onions, tumeric, prawns, roselle leaves, lime, santol -- sour, salted fish, green bean, blackeyed pea, asparagus, cilantro
Condiments : includes some sour, sweet and flavorful, chili
Vegetables which are used as ingredients :
  • carrots, asparagus, gourd, cabbage, chayote, cauliflower, coriander leaves, cabbage, bean sprouts, cucumber, mushrooms, okra
Note -- Ingredients are always fresh, like vegetables, herbs and spices
Fruits :
  • mostly tropical fruits like guava, durian, mango, jackfruit, rambutan and pomelo, waterrmelon, lychee 

Shwe yin aye -- a dessert made of coconut, sago and jelly

Phaluda - a cold drink from coconut with ice, milk and coconut grates

Dessert -- MontLone yeibaw made from sticky rice and coconut shredded

Fruits in Burma

durian, foul smelling but smelly fruit
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durian, foul smelling but smelly fruit
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